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Offices and Clinics

Links, contacts, details on my visiting hours

Aventino Medical Group
Via S Alberto Magno 5
call: 06 5780738
MO - FRI 9 am - 7:30 pm
Via Longoni 75-81
call: 06 22551
operator 24 hrs/day

My office hours:

TUE - FRI 9am - 1:30 pm

FRI 2 pm - 7:30 pm

Endocrinology, Internal Medicine



My office hours:

THU 9am - 3:30 pm

Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, thyroid fine needle biopsy 



To have an appointment

Call the office secretary in the opening hours; specify if it is the first time you will see me or if it is a follow-up visit. In case of a really urgent visit and no openings for the day, the secretary will contact me directly to try to solve the problem


Medical records to bring on your first visit (really important!)

All the records you have concerning your present problems – at least for the last two years (blood tests, ECG, X-rays, ultrasound, etc.)  Admission charts or at least discharge summaries Pathology reports for any surgery.  In case of thyroid conditions, blood tests done BEFORE treatment was started


Other papers

Insurance forms – make sure your you fill up your part in advance



Phone calls

Call the office: if I am there and I am free, I will talk to you immediately; otherwise, leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible. Tell the secretary if you have an emergency of if you are calling from abroad.


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